INPUT contributions to ISPO world congress 2017 in Cape Town
From May 8th to 11th, 2017 the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) organized the 16th world congress in Cape Town, South Africa. The ISPO 2017 theme was “Assistive Technology for All”.
ISPO aims to bring together all people who develop and investigate assistive technology, since up to one billion people need equipment to stay alive, keep moving, or to communicate and participate in community life (Pryor 2016, Lemaire, abstract book ISPO 2017). ISPO also aims to stimulate multidisciplinary participation in prosthetics and orthotics care and research.
These abovementioned aims are also applicable to the INPUT project, where new technology is developed and partners with diverse backgrounds collaborate to improve the quality of life of upper limb amputees. The clinical partners of the INPUT project, Orthopaedic Hospital Speising (OSS) from Vienna, Austria and the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) from Groningen, the Netherlands, presented results of the INPUT project at the ISPO congress.
Barbara Pobatschnig (PhD student at OSS) presented her study on 3D and electromyographic evaluation of upper extremity movement patterns of trans-radial amputees.
Barbara Pobatschnig
Morten Bak Kristoffersen (PhD student at UMCG) revealed results of his study on user training for pattern-recognition based myoelectric prostheses. In the study he compared four different groups of participants using pattern-recognition control who did not receive feedback, or received either limited or extended feedback or practiced a serious game.
Morten Bak Kristoffersen
Andreas Franzke (PhD student at UMCG) presented two posters. In the first poster he revealed the results of an interview study among upper limb amputees in the Netherlands and Vienna on relevant daily life activities when using pattern recognition control. In the second poster he presented differences in sound hand and prosthetic prehension from a coordination dynamics perspective.
Andreas Franzke
More information on the results of the presented studies can be found in the ISPO Abstract Book.
Reference: 16th ISPO World Congress 2017 Abstract Book. ISBN 978-87-93486-01-0, EAN 9788793486010.