We are very pleased to have been invited by NPO2 to present the current status of the INPUT consortium's research work to a broad public. Morten Bak Kristoffersen (PhD) from UMCG not only presents the results so far, but also lets the reporter try out the control of the prosthesis herself (~ minute 15).
Take a look at this successful experiment !
On 17 and 18 July 2018, the 3rd consortium meeting of all INPUT project partners took place at the University Medical Center Groningen.
This meeting focused on the upcoming patient tests and the testing of a prototype of the complete system.
Setup test
In the context of this meeting, the successful cooperation of the control software implemented on the microcontroller with the control of a prosthetic hand could be tested. Both the hardware components and the control software cou...
After Chicago, the IASPT took place for the second time in Vienna and was able to convince with high-quality speakers and visitors. This symposium shall bring together key players of Industry, Medicine, Therapy, Engineering, Surgery, Rehabilitation, Prosthetics and R&D to explore one another’s worlds, deepen our collaborations, and merge efforts to restore function after limb loss. At the congress, several members of the input project were able ...
A column, written by Prof. Dr. Corry van der Sluis for patients and published in the journal Kort & Krachtig (Ref: Sluis CK van der. Triggers. Kort & Krachtig 2017)
kmk column dec 2017