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Intuitive Natural Prosthesis UTilization
Intuitive Natural Prosthesis UTilization


… make the control of complex upper limb prostheses simple …
… make the control of complex upper limb prostheses simple …



INPUT will strive to make the control of complex upper limb prostheses simple, natural and to be used on a daily basis by amputees effortlessly after donning -"don and play". In INPUT, the main goal will be to transfer the obtained results from laboratory settings further towards a clinically and commercially viable medical product. Reliable, easy to apply, cost-effective signal acquisition Reliable, powerful real-time signal processing Quantifying true patient benefit Optimized end-user training Iterative clinical tests throughout the entire project The project builds on achievements reached in the EU FP7 IAPP projects AMYO (Grant No. 251555, 2011-2014) and MYOSENS (Grant No. 286208, 2012-2015), which were targeting improved signal acquisition and signal processing for advanced upper limb prosthetic control. In order to keep a realistic focus, the project will rely on well-known principles of advanced prosthesis control. Existing upper limb prosthetic hardware will be reused to minimize development time and costs. Improved electronics, algorithms and training will be the main innovations. INPUT will build on frequent end-user testing with amputees throughout the entire project. These will ensure targeted prototype development and market viability for advancing the technology from laboratory conditions to a high technology readiness level (TRL) of 8. ...


INPUT prosthetic control at NPO2 documentary – the perfect arm

INPUT prosthetic control at NPO2 documentary – the perfect arm

We are very pleased to have been invited by NPO2 to present the current status of the INPUT conso...
TV broadcast of the INPUT study: June 5th. NPO 2, 21.20

TV broadcast of the INPUT study: June 5th. NPO 2, 21.20

NPO2 shows on June 5th. 21.20 a report on the final user tests carried out at UMCG.
Consortium Meeting – UMCG Groningen – 17 + 18.7.2018

Consortium Meeting – UMCG Groningen – 17 + 18.7.2018

On 17 and 18 July 2018, the 3rd consortium meeting of all INPUT project partners took place at the U...
IASPT 2018 – 2nd International Symposium on Innovations in Amputation Surgery and Prosthetic Technologies

IASPT 2018 – 2nd International Symposium on Innovations in Amputation Surgery and Prosthetic Technologies After Chicago, the IASPT  took place for the second ti...
UMCG publication – Kort & Krachtig 2017 –  patient interview study

UMCG publication – Kort & Krachtig 2017 – patient interview study

A column, written by Prof. Dr. Corry van der Sluis for patients and published in the journal Kort &a...



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